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Redefining product strategy & ux design of a leading art history app.

Mobile Apps
Education, Art
UX Design

When DailyArt approached us with their vision to popularize art history, we were excited to join their mission. Our task was to help them transition to a subscription-based model and enhancing the app's value proposition while preserving its essence.


  • DailyArt is a global art platform with 2M+ users with a goal to popularize art history.

  • We helped DailyArt to align their business and operational models.

  • Redesigned the mobile app UX and value proposition

  • Created a distinctive visual identity

  • Projected post-redesign revenue growth is 150-200% YoY.

The Challange

At Hologram, we believe in a process-driven approach to digital product design and the power of strategy. Recognizing that each digital product challenge is unique, we shun the concept of one-size-fits-all solutions and tailor our approach to the specific needs of every client. Our first step was to gain a deep understanding of DailyArt's business objectives and the behaviors and aspirations of their users. These insights were not just informative but transformative, dictating the overall direction of our strategy redefinition.

Strategy, as we see it, is all about deciding where to play and how to win. In the realm of digital products, this often translates into identifying which problems to solve for which users. But to solve problems, you first have to define them.

Our challange was to

Transition DailyArt from a one-time payment to a subscription-based model, while preserving its essence and ensuring it continues to be perceived as a worthwhile investment


Align the DailyArt business model with its operational model in a way that ensures users still regard it as excellent value for their money


Ensure that the new version of DailyArt maintains its soul and continues to be loved by its existing users


Create a distinctive visual identity for the DailyArt app that resonates with its purpose and users, but doesn't overshadow the masterpieces


Design a mobile interface optimized for browsing art pieces with varying aspect ratios without compromising the user experience

Our Approach

At Hologram, we believe in a process-driven approach to digital product design and the power of strategy. Recognizing that each digital product challenge is unique, we shun the concept of one-size-fits-all solutions and tailor our approach to the specific needs of every client. Our first step was to gain a deep understanding of DailyArt's business objectives and the behaviors and aspirations of their users. These insights were not just informative but transformative, dictating the overall direction of our strategy redefinition.

Strategy, as we see it, is all about deciding where to play and how to win. In the realm of digital products, this often translates into identifying which problems to solve for which users. But to solve problems, you first have to define them.

The Solution

In our research, we discovered that users were largely unaware of the vast catalog of past masterpieces, artist biographies, and museum collections that they could browse past the daily masterpiece. This insight was a game-changer. We redesigned the entire product, putting the discovery experience at its center. We highlighted these features, making them easily accessible to users. This not only enhanced the user experience but also highlighted the hidden value of the app, encouraging users to explore and engage more with the content. Alongside this, we introduced a subscription model that would allow DailyArt to generate recurring revenue while providing continuous value to its users. While we decided to set new discovery features as a premium option, we decided to leave its core function, showing one piece of art a day, free, remaining true to DailyArt's roots.

Once we had a clear strategy and a defined future direction, we started working on the tangible solution. We prototyped the entire application using Figma, a software that facilitates collaboration among designers and stakeholders. This allowed us to iterate on the design quickly and efficiently, ensuring that the final product was in line with our strategic goals.

One of the key aspects of our redesign was the creation of a distinctive visual identity and visual style for the application. We believe that the right aesthetics are as important as the proper strategy, so we put a lot of effort into designing a new visual language which resonates with DailyArt's purpose and users, but doesn't overshadow the masterpieces. We finished it up with all kinds of micro-interactions, animations, and other small details that contribute to the final user experience.

Designing a mobile interface optimized for browsing masterpieces, which come in different aspect ratios from very tall and narrow to wide and not so tall, was one of our biggest challenges. However, our team rose to the occasion, creating a design that not only looked great but also provided a seamless browsing experience for users.

We also ensured that the new design was optimized not only for both Apple and Android devices but also for the 26 languages in which the app is available. From English, through Ukrainian, Persian, Arabic up to Chinese or Japanese, making it accessible to a wide range of users. This meticulous approach to design, combined with our strategic focus, resulted in a product that not only met but exceeded DailyArt's expectations.

Scope of work


  • Research

  • Benchmarking

  • Product strategy

  • Features definition

  • Product roadmap

Art Direction

  • Brand redesign

  • Visual style definition

  • UI Components

UX/UI Design

  • Information architecture

  • Wireflows

  • Hi-fidelity wireframing

  • Prototyping

  • Usability testing

The Results

The redesigned DailyArt app was an instant hit with users. Early usability testing with existing DailyArt's users showed that they loved the new version. They fell in love with the added features and the revised brand visual identity, which, while being very distinctive, felt familiar and put the emphasis on the masterpieces. Based on the data we've collected, the transition to a new version was also successful business-wise, with early projections indicating a year-to-year revenue growth of between 150% and 200%. We keep on collecting great feedback from users from all around the world in 26 languages and still continue to hone this product's UX based on our own experiences and vast user feedback.


App Store & Google Play average rating


Projected YoY revenue growth